Ausgabe zur MOULDING EXPO 2019
Ausg.Nr._09/2019 5 Moulding Expo + Automotive Shows W ith MOULDING EXPO 2019 from 21 to 24 May 2019, Messe Stuttgart will not only stage the most important European trade fair for tool, pattern and mould making. In five concurrent events trade visitorswill also obtain deep insights into the automotive com- ponent supply industry and will be able to become acquainted with trends in plastic production and additive production, forge contacts with purchasers in the industry and experience hybrid lightweight construction live. In order to achieve ideal interaction between the events, every visitor and/or participant in the concur- rent events will have free admissi- on toMOULDING EXPO. Value-added for visitors and exhibitors Exhibitors at MOULDING EXPO ap- preciate the wide-ranging offering relating to the trade fair. "The par- allel events are enthralling," says Anton Schweiger, Managing Direc- tor of the renowned mould making company of the same name from Uffing, which has a workforce of 75 employees. "All relevant areas and interfaces in the industry are therefore covered in Stuttgart. The Who’s who is present there – among suppliers and customers alike. MOULDING EXPO is therefo- re becoming precisely the platform that we need." This is another rea- son why Schweiger is taking part in MOULDING EXPO for the first time in 2019. The entrepreneur also wants to take time during the trade fair to visit the GKV/TecPart Forum and the Automotive Shows. "We must always think according our customers' processes! Of great interest to us are the areas invol- ving complete assemblies which combine different, complex multi- component injection moulded parts. Both exhibitors and visitors to the Automotive Shows are pre- cisely our target group.“ High five – five first-class parallel events The Automotive Shows of the Brit- ish organiser UKi Media & Events in the four halls on the south side of the trade fair grounds will focus on the products and services of the au- tomotive component supply indus- try from 21 to 23 May 2019. These Automotive Shows will present vehicle components and high-tech production solutions – from plastic products and stamped and formed parts through to metal casting ap- plications. The GKV/TechPart Association will provide an overview of trends in plastic production during the new "Plastic Products Forum", which will be held in the foyer of the L-Bank Forum (Hall 1) at Messe Stuttgart from 21 to 23 May 2019. This Forum will show how technical compo- nents are developed based on the appropriate use of materials and moulds. The Fraunhofer Institute for Manu- facturing Engineering and Auto- mation (IPA) will highlight additive production technologies during its User Forum in the Conference West area on 22 May 2019. Product and process innovations will be pre- sented while visitors will receive practice-oriented information and have the opportunity to exchange experiences. Topics such as auto- mation, quality assurance or the latest material developments for additive production will be dis- cussed in an industrial context. Anyone wanting to discover the purchasers' view of the tool, pat- tern and mould making industry will be able to do so during the Forum of the Federal Association for Materials Management, Pur- chasing and Logistics (BME) in the seminar room of the Press Centre. In this event members of the BME will discuss the current challenges in the procurement of tools for stamping, bending and forming parts, as well as for plastic parts or injection moulded plastic parts. The 6th Hybrid Lightweight Con- struction Technology Day will be devoted entirely to the topic of digitalisation. The trade fair week will be opened by the Conference sponsored by the Baden-Württem- berg State Agency for Lightweight Construction on 20 and 21 May 2019. The event venue will be the Filder Hall in Leinfelden-Echterdin- gen, which is just four kilometres from Messe Stuttgart. Visitors can look forward to 22 exhibitors from the lightweight construction in- dustry and 50 speakers. Text & Image: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 D-70629 Stuttgart Five events concurrent with MOULDING EXPO 2019 will make attendance at the trade fair even more worthwhile 21.–24.05.2019 21.–23.05.2019