Ausgabe zur AGRITECHNICA 2019

32 Ausg.Nr._20/2019 guiding theme T he DLG (German Agricul- tural Society) has chosen “Global farming – local responsibility” as the guiding theme for AGRITECHNICA 2019. The organiser of the world’s largest trade fair for agricul- tural machinery says its aim is to point visitors towards a sus- tainable future in agriculture that will require sufficient food to be produced for a growing world population, while simul- taneously conserving natural resources. This, the organisa- tion adds, can only be achieved using the latest innovative and smart technologies. This is the second edition of AG- RITECHNICA to have an overall guiding theme that shapes the whole event. According to DLG Project Manager, Marie Servais, its role is to evoke a number of meanings and moods. “It should not only tap into the idea of agriculture cultivating crops to feed the planet, but must also demonstrate how produc- ers around the world are using new and available ideas to drive agriculture forward. It must be a joint overall goal, but with key decisions done at the local level,” she said. The guiding theme for AGRITECH- NICA 2019 highlights the fact that agriculture is like a global net- work, with feed and food, technol- ogy and resources all traded in- ternationally. The production and processing of raw materials, how- ever, takes place independently in different regions of the world, and the worldwide exchange of infor- mation and technology forms the basis for the success of all agri- cultural enterprises, including their upstream and downstream partners. Global trade redistributes enormous quantities of water and nutrients This model of global farming means that specific regions of the world specialise and produce par- ticular crops to meet international demand. This trade indirectly re- distributes enormous amounts of water and nutrients that are used for the production of basic com- modities, as the production areas are used in a way that is too one- sided. Many technology companies that exhibit at AGRITECHNICA have rec- ognised and reacted to this trend, and are now offering tailor-made systems and services for the re- spective locations in order to allow farmers to use resources efficient- ly. These companies are helping growers to act responsibly at a local level, where the individual farmer decides daily on measures to manage their land and crops, from tillage, sowing, nutrients and crop protection to harvesting and integrated logistics. These farmers move in the, sometimes narrow, space between natural and legal conditions, as well as economic constraints. Every agricultural entrepreneur has the responsibility to use limited resources as efficiently as possible: farming is about soil, air, water, biodiversity and, of course, human resources in the shape of employees. Agriculture is ideally integrated directly into society, and its acceptance for ag- ricultural production is won or lost at the local level. To win, growers must protect natural resources, and organise work processes in a socially effective way using locally adapted methods. In many regions of the world, ef- ficiency and sustainability still face challenges including soil loss, low-quality seed, poor crop protection practices, lack of wa- ter and high yield losses before and after harvest. Influence and responsibility in this respect is shared by the international sup- pliers of machines and technol- ogy. By locally optimising pro- duction methods and promoting site-specific cultivation systems, they can greatly enhance the opportunities of farmers to make their production systems sustain- able. Agricultural stakeholders must work together on responsible production This shows how global agricul- ture and local responsibility are inextricably linked, hence AGR- ITECHNICA 2019’s theme: “Global farming – local responsibility”. The trade fair provides the perfect platform for agricultural stake- holders – from global players to individual farmers – to work together on responsible produc- tion systems. It will provide a stage for companies with the po- tential to improve cultivation sys- tems and promote efficient crop management in all types of farm- ing systems worldwide. “Our main theme covers the no- tion that farming is a truly global endeavour and that the same advanced technologies are now accessible to farmers all over the world, but the responsibility for implementing new methods of production lie locally,” said Ser- vais. “The implementation of new legislation can be used to drive change, but raising awareness of sustainable production methods among farmers and convincing them to invest is the key to pro- gress.” Investment in smart technology can be made at every stage of the crop-production process. Two Show Specials focus on adapting farming practices to local conditions. Both offer pro- viders but also international in- stitutions to highlight their inno- vations and projects to decision makers and farmers. The visitors can choose from a range of meth- ods and technologies and discuss with experts the specific challeng- es they are faced in their region.  Text & Image: DLG Service GmbH Eschborner Landstraße 122 D-60489 Frankfurt am Main “Global farming – local responsibility” selected as the guiding theme for AGRITECHNICA 2019