Ausgabe zur INTERGASTRA 2020
22 Ausg.Nr._01/2020 Gewinner Schnitzel pressen statt klopfen Dabei liegen die Vorteile klar auf der Hand, bemerkt der Hersteller. Das Pressen ist ge- räuschlos, sehr schnell, ein- stellbare Fleischdicke, leicht und schmerzfrei zu bedienen und das Schnitzel ist mit nur einem Handhub fertig. Dabei ist das Schnitzel saftiger und die Oberfläche nicht zerris- sen. Danach ist die Fleisch- presse schnell und einfach zu reinigen. Der Hersteller, die Firma endescon GmbH , stellt die beiden Größen L und XXL dieses Jahr zum 2ten mal auf der Intergastra in Stuttgart vor und freut sich auf Ihren Besuch. Halle 5, Stand 5D55 Man wird Ihnen dort gerne alle Ihre Fragen beantworten. Ein Video der Schnitzelpres- sen in Aktion können Sie schon vorab auf der Webseite sehen. Wilhelm-Tell Straße 7 67071 Ludwigshafen 0621 672027 Typ L Presskraft:1500kg Pressfläche:30x20cm Noch immer eine Besonderheit. Obwohl die Handhebel-Schnitzelpresse bereits seit über 10 Jahren am Markt ist, stellen noch immer wieder Wirte, Caterer und Metzger erstaunt fest, dass sie das Gerät noch nie gesehen haben oder erst vor kurzem von einem begeisterten Koch davon gehört haben. TYP XXL Presskraft: 2500kg Pressfläche: 44x27cm F or the eleventh time, the INTERGASTRA innovation prize will be presented by Messe Stuttgart, German hos- pitality publication "Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung" and the German Hotel and Res- taurant Association (DEHOGA) based in Baden-Württemberg. The 90 or so applications, among which the judging panel was spoilt for choice, showed how coveted it is. It awarded the prizes in the kitchen systems, artificial intelligence and sustainability categories as well as the special "Food for Future" prize. The winner in the kitchen systems category is Gastros Switzerland AG. With the InductWarm ® battery module, the Zurich-based compa- ny has developed an autonomous battery induction hotplate that can be integrated into any mobile food distribution system. It is the first battery-powered induction module of its kind and opens up completely new possibilities in terms of mobility and design flex- ibility – thanks to invisible tech- nology, there are no unsightly power cables, no water vapour, no open flames and no smell of burning paste. The food is kept warm in a way that preserves its quality and is kept at a constant temperature for up to four hours – with only one charge. In the sustainability category , the prize goes to the Cologne- based company KAYA&KATO. For its "Clean Ocean" line, it uses plastic fished from the sea to produce fashionable, high-qual- ity and durable uniforms for the catering, hotel, food and retail industries. The products consist of a polyester-cotton blend – or- ganic cotton and recycled plastic waste from the sea. This comes primarily from fishermen off the Spanish coast who receive money for the "by-catch plastic" and contribute to cleaning up the seas. In the artificial intelligence cat- egory , the prize goes to auvisus GmbH from Karlsruhe, which has developed an automated pay- ment process for community ca- tering. The guest places his or her tray under a camera at the checkout, the algorithm recog- nises the dishes and calculates the bill – quickly and precisely. The solution, which is supported by image recognition, is compat- ible with existing processes as a plug-in and ideally manages without staff. The special "Food for Future" prize is awarded to Brento from Herlikofen as a representative of many similar developments. The start-up company produces bread baking mixes and combines high- quality old grain varieties such as ancient grain, einkorn wheat and hemp flour with an insect compo- nent: Buffalo worm flour. The judg- ing panel's selection did not focus on the bread itself, but on the idea of developing an additional valu- able source of protein and com- bining it with ancient grains. The aim is to create a new trend for the future – especially given the fact that mass meat production is anything but environmentally friendly. Interested trade fair visitors can at- tend the live innovation prize cer- emony on 15 February at 11:00 on the DEHOGA stage (Hall 7) and find out about the products. In addition, the winning prod- ucts will be presented at a spe- cial show in the Entrance East of Messe Stuttgart. Text & Image: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 D-70629 Stuttgart Winners chosen for INTERGASTRA innovation prize 2020 In the sustainability category, the prize goes to KAYA&KATO, which reuses plastic fished from the sea for its "Clean Ocean" clothing line to produce fashionable uniforms for cooks and waiters. Image source: Marc Thürbach/KAYA&KATO