Ausgabe zur INTERGASTRA 2020
25 Ausg.Nr._01/2020 Food & Concept Court Innovative Gewürzideen gibt’s bei RAPS! LUST AUF EINE GESCHMACKS- EXPLOSION? Besuchen Sie uns auf der INTERGASTRA in HALLE 1, STAND K16 oder unter the gastronomy industry is continuously developing, the desire of consumers for vari- ety, flexibility and new experi- ences is increasing. The breed- ing ground for entrepreneurs to be successful with their innova- tive approaches and concepts is therefore large. They can pre- sent these at the Food&Concept Court, which takes place within the framework of INTERGASTRA (15 – 19 February 2020), the leading trade fair for the hotel and gastronomy business in Stuttgart: The marketplace for holistic and future-oriented concepts for the food service market and trade gastronomy is a platform where providers of franchise systems, potential entrepreneurs and partners from industry and gastronomy can showcase their products and services and exchange in- formation and ideas. Experts from various gastro- nomy areas come together How do I find business and fran- chise partners? What do I need to consider if I would like to set up a business? How good is my con- cept? The Food & Concept Court, which is organised by Messe Stuttgart in cooperation with ErfaFoodService and the Ger- man Franchising Association, is aimed specifically at the require- ments of potential founders, as well as entrepreneurs from the gastronomy and hotel sector. There they will find an optimal platform for exchanging informa- tion and ideas and networking. While potential founders pre- sent their innovative concepts, get tips from experts if needed and look for solutions and pos- sible partners, entrepreneurs and gastronomers can find out how to expand their business and which new products and solutions to deploy. They also will have the opportunity to ex- change information and ideas with possible franchisees. Thanks to its location between Food Hall 1 and the IKA/Culinary Olympics in the ICS Interna- tional Congress Center Stuttgart, the "Restaurant am Wasser" is ideal for the platform: right at the centre of the action and yet away from the hustle and bustle of the trade fair. "We are looking forward to an active exchange of experiences, exciting concepts and informative presentations in the area of restaurant chains", says Markus Tischberger, Pro- ject Manager of INTERGASTRA. "All market players and interest groups come together at this industry event. In the Food & Concept Court we are therefore expecting a particularly quali- fied audience and productive discussions in a professional setting", adds Michael Möhring from ErfaFoodService, who developed the concept for the special area. Wow the public at "Pitch & Meet" The Food & Concept Court reveals its innovative side with the new Pitch & Meet area. Each day there will be two rounds of pitches where en- trepreneurs can present their ideas and concepts in three- to five-minute presentations and convince potential business or franchise partners. Live dem- onstrations and tastings sup- port the presentation, a lounge area invites people to engage in discussions. In addition, the restaurant chains brand barometer is presented by the University of Heilbronn and the team under Prof. Dr. Markus Zeller. Franchising is easier than ever before A unique opportunity to network and obtain information - Jan Schmelzle, President of the Ger- man Franchising Association, also shares this view and there- fore encourages members to participate. "Whether a pro- spective customer or franchisor - whoever wants to learn more about the franchise system, ex- change information and ideas with like-minded people and dis- cover exciting concepts is at the right place at the Food & Concept Court", says the President. The association recognised the trend towards restaurant chains with the franchising business model and supports both inter- ested franchisors and potential entrepreneurs and franchisees in all steps of the setup, con- ceptual design and business expansion. "Consumer behav- iour is constantly changing - it is fast-paced and mobile. The customer expects high quality, wants to find trusted brands and menus everywhere and often connects the restaurant visit with an experience - fran- chising satisfies these require- ments and thus has high poten- tial for success", Jan Schmelzle is convinced. Text & Photo: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 D-70629 Stuttgart Fachlicher Austausch in professioneller Atmosphäre – der „Pitch & Meet“-Bereich lädt zu Gesprächen und zum Networking ein. Professional exchange in a professional setting - the "Pitch & Meet" area invites you to engage in discussions and network